You belong here.

This isn’t really a newsletter. It’s a collection of thoughts and ideas about our bodies, our minds, intelligence, wellness, consciousness, all stages of personhood, and how strange, tragic and wonderful it is to navigate this thing we call life. My greatest hope is you find my musings helpful. I’m new here on substack, but subscribers to my email list say I have a knack for clarifying their own unmoored thoughts and ideas, and putting into words exactly what one needs to hear at just the right moment. This is the best compliment I could hope for: The ability to reflect back what we already know deep in our hearts. Perhaps you’ll find some of that here too.

About Me

In my other life I teach a yoga informed movement practice I call ReSourcing™. I am a lifelong student of embodied practices, breathwork and somatic meditation. I’ve studied and taught in the San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California, the Pacific Northwest, Holland, the U.K. and India. I currently live in Santa Cruz, CA where I authored Breathwork: A 3 Week Breathing Program for Clarity, Calm, and Better Health.

Teaching, writing, and driving fast (on a race track) are my favorite ways to flow.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. - Viktor Frankl

How often and how much.

For now I publish when inspired. I’m not the kind of writer who can push out a post on command. I have to get that tickle in my brain, and that funny feeling in my stomach. I have to sit with the inspiration, bleed out the words and then ruthlessly edit out the noise. I’m not trying to get picked up or paid, though that would be something. For now, this is a gift to you and a gift to me. I have a place to express myself.

I welcome respectful dialogue! Please participate in the comments section, browse my notes, where I’ll share themes and musings from my practice and my classes. If you wish support this work with a subscription because it resonates, fantastic. But please don’t ask me to be something I’m not.

I like this podcast thingy up there in the menu bar. I’ll use it to post some guided meditations and visualizations. Recordings will be roughly produced and unfiltered. Come back often. A pause is a good thing for all of us.

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Thoughts and ideas about bodies, intelligence, consciousness, stages of personhood, and how strange, tragic and wonderful it is to navigate all of it.


Author, Educator, Steward of Yoga, Breath, and Somatic Meditation, Founder ReSourcing™. I support humans in becoming physically embodied, emotionally intact, intelligently engaged, energetically vibrant, and awake to community and nature.