I am in the rapids right now :-). Thank you for this wisdom and a reminder that struggling against it will only make it worse.

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In my other forum so many said they were in the rapids. Maybe only the rapids folks responded buuuuuut...Do you think modern life has us all a little under water?

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Yes - I think we over complicate our lives tremendously.

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OOhhh thank you for this meditation!

so funny, i was asking myself on Notes, what i would do with my recorded meditations, if i would rather post them on substack or not 🙃

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🙏 Post them! Why not?

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Because I have multiple types of records (songs, meditations, workshops), I need to find out how I can organize that here 😄

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Thank you for this:) so well said… I guess I’m in the rapids right now and grateful for nature, practice, and your words which all remind me to surrender. I am exactly where I’m meant to be🙏💕✨🌊

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Hi Jessica! So nice to see you here. Sounds like you are navigating the rapids with expertise. Sending love, grace and strength to you!

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